Common Interest

Kowtow Loves

Kowtow Loves #01

Carla Uriarte and Dave Abram

Kowtow Loves is a regular series that spotlights intellectual crushes, thought leaders and humble challengers. In this series we speak to people we love, admire and are inspired by.

Cafe Freda’s is a neighbourhood eatery in Sydney that believes in culture, community, music, good time fun and kindness. Founded by Dave Abram with wife, Creative Director and artist Carla Uriarte, it’s a hub filled with colour and intrigue. Carla’s art is full of bold colours, a delight to the Kowtow team.

We spoke with Carla and Dave about their work, their community and their relationship to getting dressed.


How do you both get dressed in the morning?

Carla: I like to have pieces in my wardrobe that make me feel hot, sexy and chic but sometimes when I wear something on repeat which tends to happen I often get bored (like anything else) which leads me to an experimental process of creating giant piles of clothes all to bring me to the perfect place of cool, new and fun.

Dave: I tend to have some similar things I like to wear, working with different complimentary colour palettes. I have a habit of matching certain things like my hat and socks. I read somewhere Picasso did that too. The funny thing is that whatever I choose almost always seems to match the palette of Carla that day accidentally.


Can you both describe your style in three words?

Carla: Comfortable interesting mom

Dave: Old man style

Carla, have you always been a maker?

Carla: Yes. Creating and making has been a constant motion for me sort of like breathing, walking and being. It is part of my DNA. It energises me in the same way that sleep does.


When experiencing your work, colour feels front of mind (something we relate to at Kowtow). How do you begin to compose your palettes?

Carla: I love colour. When I was little I used to say that I don't have a favourite colour because I don’t want the other colours to feel bad. I use colour to express emotions and feelings and joy and sadness and tell a story, it moves with me.

Composing a palette is quite a natural process, I do not think about it too much I sort of just feel it out and go where it goes.


Dave, what inspires the way you dress?

Dave: I’ve always been inspired by quality well made garments. I don’t do a lot of clothes shopping but when I do I always look for materials, where it’s made, details and finishes. Things that will last me 10 years and I can wear regularly without it going out of style. I also love colour and tend to prioritise that over neutrals.


Tell us about Cafe Freda’s and the special community it fosters.

Dave: It was always the goal with Cafe Freda’s (and Freda’s before that) to make a space for artists, DJs, musicians, designers, and the creatively minded to socialise and connect as that was something I felt lacking in Sydney in the night life landscape. The objective being that it leads to not only a sense of community, but opportunities to meet like minded people who inspire and support each other.


What item in your wardrobes are you planning to keep forever?

Dave: I have a vintage burnt umber Comme de Garcons trench coat that is beautifully constructed and unique which I plan on keeping forever. I purchased it from Dot Comme in Melbourne.


Shop Carla & Dave's collection below.

Find Carla and Dave here: